
It's Tricky—How to Diagnose & Treat Low Thyroid

This paper is longer than usual. In it I provide a very detailed analysis of hypothyroidism in Lyme. Be patient as you read it. The "what to do part" is at the end. But to understand my recommendations you need to understand why most physicians approaches to thyroid illness do not work in Lyme.

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Heat Up, Speed Up: Thyroid & Adrenals in Lyme

Low hormones occur often in chronic Lyme disease. If you have symptoms of low hormones use the supplements and drugs I recommend in this article. Do not trust blood tests to decide if you should treat your thyroid or adrenals.

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In chronic Lyme and associated diseases Ashwagandha is an herbal medicine adaptogen, a substance which improves the ability to withstand stress, that

  • improves energy and stamina,
  • stimulates white blood cells to fight infection,
  • balances adrenal and thyroid gland function, and
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How to Fix Low Sex Drive in Lyme

Many people with Lyme have loss of sex drive, also called libido, as part of Lyme disease. In this video article Marty Ross MD describes the causes of low libido and the steps you can take to correct this problem.

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How to Deal with Stress in Tick-borne Infections or Mold Toxicity

Marty Ross, MD discusses stress management strategies and supplements for people living with tick-borne infections or mold toxicity.

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The Best Oral Peptide Guide for Lyme, Tick-borne Infections, & Mold Toxicity

Oral peptides are the rage - for good reason. Marty Ross, MD provides up-to-date peptide plans for key health issues in Lyme, tick-borne disease, and mold toxicity. 

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