Herxheimer & Cytokines

Control Cytokines to Improve Symptoms & Immune Health

In this how-to-guide, Marty Ross MD explains how to lower inflammation and cytokines in chronic infections and mold toxicity to help immune function and improve symptoms.

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Herxheimer Die-Off Reaction: Inflammation Run Amok

A die-off reaction, also called a Herxheimer reaction, can occur when treating the Lyme germ, some co-infections, and yeast. It occurs as bacteria or yeast die during antibiotic treatment. It is common to have Herxheimer die-off reactions when starting herbal anti-microbials or antibiotics when treating Lyme.

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Is It a Lyme Disease Herx Reaction?

In this video article, Marty Ross MD describes how to tell if worsening in a Lyme disease treatment is due to a Herxheimer (Herx) reaction.

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In chronic Lyme and associated diseases Curcumin is an essential herb that

  • decreases pain
  • limits and improves Herxheimer die-off reactions,
  • boosts the immune system by lowering inflammation cytokines, and
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Glutathione: The Great Fixer

Glutathione is a very strong antioxidant found in everyone's cells. It is used to lower cellular waste products called oxidation agents and free radicals, repair cell damage, and remove toxins.

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Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) & Lyme

Low dose naltrexone (LDN) is very useful in Lyme disease. This low cost medicine can

  • improve nerve, muscle and inflammation pain,
  • decrease autoimmune illness triggered by Lyme,
  • lower cytokine inflammation, and
  • improve immune system function and balance.

In this article I review the science and method for how LDN works. I suggest how to use it in Lyme disease. And I review potential side effects.

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Medical Marijuana, Cannabis, & CBD for Lyme

I live in Washington state where state law provides for both medicinal and recreational use of marijuana. Federal law does not allow for medical marijuana, but it allows for the unrestricted sale of products derived from hemp.

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In chronic Lyme and associated diseases Quercetin is an herbal medicine that

  • decreases pain,
  • limits and improves Herxheimer die-off reactions,
  • improves bladder inflammation and irritation in interstitial cystitis, and
  • decreases allergic reactions.
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LDI: Bring on The Regulators

There is a relatively new treatment for Lyme disease and the co-infections that is designed to improve how a person feels by regulating the immune system away from inflammation. Some practitioners using this method are reporting improvements in up to 90% of people. It is called LDI which is an abbreviation …

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Bee Venom Therapy for Lyme

Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) uses bee venom to improve Lyme symptoms. Marty Ross MD explains how this therapy could help in chronic Lyme disease.

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Action Guide—Medicine Hyper-reactivity & Sensitivity

Marty Ross, MD explains his successfull approach for medicine and supplement hypersensitive people in Lyme and related diseases. Here are the steps you can take. 

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The Best Oral Peptide Guide for Lyme, Tick-borne Infections, & Mold Toxicity

Oral peptides are the rage - for good reason. Marty Ross, MD provides up-to-date peptide plans for key health issues in Lyme, tick-borne disease, and mold toxicity. 

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