Tick-borne infections and mold toxicity can hurt the cell energy factories called mitochondria. Here are steps to fix this problem from Marty Ross MD.
Almost All people with chronic Lyme disease, tick-borne infections and mold toxicity have fatigue and low energy. Here are some basic action steps you can take to address this symptom.
Try this diet. I think it is the best option for someone with chronic Lyme disease. It is designed to: improve brain function and grow nerve connections, prevent Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease which Lyme can trigger, decrease inflammation and inflammation cytokines from infection, prevent and treats yeast overgrowth in …
In chronic Lyme and associated diseases Ashwagandha is an herbal medicine adaptogen, a substance which improves the ability to withstand stress, that
In chronic Lyme and associated diseases NT Factor phospholipids for lipid replacement therapy may
This paper is longer than usual. In it I provide a very detailed analysis of hypothyroidism in Lyme. Be patient as you read it. The "what to do part" is at the end. But to understand my recommendations you need to understand why most physicians approaches to thyroid illness do not work in Lyme.
In chronic Lyme disease heavy metal toxicity (like lead and mercury) can cause
Low hormones occur often in chronic Lyme disease. If you have symptoms of low hormones use the supplements and drugs I recommend in this article. Do not trust blood tests to decide if you should treat your thyroid or adrenals.
Oxidation Therapy using ozone, hydrogen peroxide, ultraviolet irradiation, and high dose IV vitamin C may help in Lyme, but it could be dangerous. See why in this article by Marty Ross MD
Marty Ross MD describes the differences between ATP Fuel, ATP 360 & NT Factor Energy by Researched Nutritionals. See how to use these products to support mitochondria function.
Many people with Lyme have loss of sex drive, also called libido, as part of Lyme disease. In this video article Marty Ross MD describes the causes of low libido and the steps you can take to correct this problem.
Discover practical strategies and holistic approaches to manage post-exertional fatigue and malaise. Explore empowering solutions for conditions like Lyme disease, tick-borne infections, mold toxicity, CFS, Long-Covid and fibromyalgia.
Oral peptides are the rage - for good reason. Marty Ross, MD provides up-to-date peptide plans for key health issues in Lyme, tick-borne disease, and mold toxicity.
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