
Tests for Lyme disease

The Best Lab & Test for Borrelia, Bartonella, & Babesia

Marty Ross MD explains why the IGenex Immunoblots are the best tests for most tick-borne infections. Watch this video article to see why.

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A Review of Lyme Infection Tests: Pass or Fail

There are a variety of tests that can help diagnose Lyme disease by finding evidence of Lyme infection. These include ELISA, IFA, PCR, immunoblot done as a western blot, the new immunoblot with synthetic proteins, and blood culture.

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Repeat Lyme & Coinfection Testing to Check Treatment Status Is Not Valid

Do not waste your money testing to see if your Lyme and coinfection treatment is working. Marty Ross MD discusses why repeat Lyme testing to check treatment status is not valid or accurate. 

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How to Diagnose Chronic Lyme Disease—More Than A Test

This video article includes information on where and how to diagnose chronic Lyme. With this information you can direct your primary care physician or another physician on the best ways to diagnose Lyme. This includes a review of the latest tests and best laboratory systems like IGenex and Armin Labs. Marty Ross MD

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A Silent Problem—Is It Yeast?

Too many yeast in the intestines (yeast overgrowth) is a common problem that occurs in those with chronic Lyme disease either during treatment or prior to beginning treatment. Antibiotics used to treat Lyme can lead to too many yeast. Immune suppression prior to starting antibiotics can also cause yeast overgrowth.

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Mold Toxin Illness & Tick-borne Diseases

Marty Ross MD explains mold toxin Illness looks just like Lyme disease. Here are the steps to see if you have this problem and what to do to fix it.

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CD-57 Test? Rarely

I rarely recommend a CD-57 test because in most situations it is not useful and has no real predictive or helpful value in charting the course of a person's care. See why in this Lyme Byte from my webinar Conversations with Marty Ross MD.

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When & How to Treat Chronic Viruses in Lyme: A Brief Guide

Learn all about chronic virus infections in Lyme disease by Marty Ross MD. Treating chronic virus infection is controversial. See why. See the best virus tests and how to treat chronic active virus infections with herbal antivirals and immune boosters in Lyme disease.

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Heavy Metals: The Problem & The Best Test

In chronic Lyme disease heavy metal toxicity (like lead and mercury) can cause

  • low energy,
  • poor nerve function and thinking,
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How to Diagnose Babesia in Chronic Lyme Disease

Babesia is a coinfection found in Lyme disease. Like the Lyme germ, babesia is transmitted by a tick bite. When present it should be treated early in a Lyme disease treatment. Unfortunately the tests for diagnosing babesia are unreliable. Here are the steps I recommend for diagnosing this infection.

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How to Diagnose Bartonella in Chronic Lyme Disease

Bartonella is hard to diagnose. Marty Ross MD explains the best ways to figure out if you have Bartonella in a chronic Lyme disease treatment.

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Intestinal Dysfunction: Symptoms, Tests, and Treatments

If you have intestinal gassiness, bloating, cramping, loose stools or diarrhea or undigested food, this article is for you. Marty Ross MD reviews the best tests and questionnaires to solve intestinal dysfunction.  He also provides links to key articles on how to treat intestinal dysfunction.

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Phage Test for Active Tick-borne Infections

The Phelix Phage Test is a novel way to test for living Borrelia and Ricketsia. Marty Ross, MD discusses the pros and cons of this new testing method offered by Red Laboratories.

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