In my free Lyme Q&A Webinar called Conversations with Marty Ross MD, people ask me questions related to recovery. Here are some of those questions.
In this video, I answer these questions based on my extensive twenty year clinical experience treating persistent tick-borne infections like Lyme, Bartonella, and Babesia using the best herbal and prescription antibiotic approaches. What I discuss is based on my experience. Unfortunately the research answering these questions is very limited or even non-existent.
Recovery requires killing germs, a healing diet and lifestyle, and natural medicine supports to overcome the damages of Borrelia, Bartonella, and Babesia. Below are resources that can aid your recovery.
The Ross Lyme & Tick-borne Diseases Support Protocol
Your Guide to a Healthy Intestinal Microbiome—Even on Antibiotics
Conversations with Marty Ross MD
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