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Ecklonia Cava, Lumbrokinase, and Ashwagandha in Lyme disease by Marty Ross MD image.

About Lumbrokinase 

Lumbrokinase may

  • break apart biofilms,
  • improve blood flow to the tissues by decreasing sticky blood (hypercoagulation),
  • decrease crampy muscle pain, and
  • improve supplement or prescription medicine delivery deep into the tissues.

Lumbrokinase is a group of enzymes extracted from earth worms. It is well studied in China where it is shown in lab experiments to break apart fibrin proteins in blood clotting disorders. In Lyme disease Lumbrokinase is a nutritional support that may break apart biofilms and decrease hypercoagulation.


Biofilms are layers of slime where various forms of the Lyme germ live. The slime is made up of sugary mucopolysacharides, Lyme germs in various forms, fibrin protein to hold the biofilm together, and other substances. They occur when the germ is placed under stress. This can occur when antibiotics or herbal antimicrobials are used to treat Lyme. Biofilms can cause treatment resistance, failure, or relapse (see Finished? And How to Prevent Relapse.) because they can block antibiotics and they serve as a reservoir for the germ to re-emerge when antibiotics are stopped. In theory Lumbrokinase decreases (and may even eliminate) biofilms by breaking apart the fibrin protein that holds the slime matrix together.

Lumbrokinase may also decrease sticky blood (hypercoaguable blood which clots more easily.) In many chronic infections sticky blood can occur. In sticky blood small blood clot deposits which include the protein fibrin occur on the lining of blood vessels. This can decrease or even block blood flow through small blood vessels. When this occurs the tissues become starved of oxygen leading to crampy muscle pain. This situation also blocks antibiotics and antimicrobial herbs from reaching the tissues where Lyme and the co-infections live.

Method of Action

In theory Lumbrokinase decreases (and may even eliminate) biofilms by breaking apart the fibrin protein that holds the slime matrix together. There are no scientific studies in Lyme that prove this occurs. However my own clinical observation from my Seattle practice is that the addition improves treatment dramatically in many and can cause die-off reactions as the antibiotics kill germs released from the biofilm.

As a fibrinolytic enzyme, Lumbrokinase also decreases and may eliminate sticky blood because it breaks down fibrin protein in the blood clot deposits that can form on blood vessel wall in people with sticky blood. There is good scientific research from China which shows that Lumbrokinase works in hypercoaguable states.


Lumbrokinase is extracted from earthworms. Some products that include Lumbrokinase are not extracts. They in fact are often ground up earth worms and may not be effective or even harmful. Be sure to use a lumbrokinase extract.


For biofilms and sticky blood take 1 20 mg pill 2 to 3 times a day. Do not have medicine, supplements, or food 1 hour before through 1 hour after taking Lumbrokinase. Use caution when starting because sometimes Herxheimer die-off reactions can occur. In these reactions the immune system makes more inflammation chemicals called cytokines that can cause many of the Lyme disease symptoms to worsen.


Stop Lumbrokinase 1 week before any surgeries. It should not be used in a person with a bleeding disorder or who has intestinal bleeding or stomach ulcers. It can be taken with aspirin and ibuprofen or advil. It can also be taken with coumadin and heparin blood thinners without added risk of bleeding. It should not be taken with the drug Plavix.


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About The Author

Marty Ross, MD is a passionate Lyme disease educator and clinical expert. He helps Lyme sufferers and their physicians see what really works based on his review of the science and extensive real-world experience. Dr. Ross is licensed to practice medicine in Washington State (License: MD00033296) where he has treated thousands of Lyme disease patients in his Seattle practice.

Marty Ross, MD is a graduate of Indiana University School of Medicine and Georgetown University Family Medicine Residency. He is a member of the International Lyme and Associated Disease Society (ILADS), The Institute for Functional Medicine, and The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M).

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